December 01, 2023

Democrats Abroad Passes Resolutions to Keep Fossil Fuels in the Ground!

The Democrats Abroad Global Progressive Caucus (proDA) is excited to announce that the Democrats Abroad passed three resolutions in support of keeping fossil fuels in the ground on Sunday, November 12, 2023.

The resolutions are driven by the devastating reality of our U.S. and global greenhouse gas emissions crisis. That crisis requires what the Biden Administration calls a whole of government and society approach. 

Resolution 20 calls for a petition to be delivered to the White House,  urging an Executive Order banning all new drilling permits for fossil fuels on public lands and waters, and a corresponding plank in the Democrats Abroad 2024 Platform with the goal of its inclusion in the 2024 Democratic Party Platform. Please consult the Democrats Abroad Environment and Climate Crisis Council for further information on next steps for the petition and platform plank.

Resolution 21 calls for Democrats Abroad to encourage its members to contact their Representatives to pass H.R.1493 (End Oil and Gas Tax Subsidies Act of 2023), and recommends a corresponding plank in Democrats Abroad 2024 Platform, with a recommendation to recommit money earmarked for such subsidies toward both financing a just energy transition domestically and increasing its international climate finance commitments. Please contact to your U.S. Representatives now to urge them to co-sponsor H.R. 1493. 

Resolution 6 embraces the goals of Resolutions 20 and 21 and, acknowledging the urgency of our climate crisis, as well as the challenges the current U.S. political calculus poses for timely federal executive and legislative action, follows the Biden-Harris administration lead in support of whole of government and society measures to keep fossil fuels in the ground. Here are some Resolution 6 actions you can take now.

Here is the full text of each resolution.

We encourage all DA members to promote these resolutions and the actions they propose. Together they contribute significantly to achieving our 2030 Greenhouse Gas reduction goals.