Tuesday, February 06
Geneva, Switzerland (hybrid)
DACH Geneva Book Club - February 2024
Our February 2024 book is Ultra-Processed People: Why do we all eat stuff that isn't food... And why can't we stop? by Chris van Tulleken From Amazon:
An eye-opening investigation into the science, economics, history and production of ultra-processed food. We have entered a new 'age of eating' where most of our calories come from an entirely novel set of substances called Ultra-Processed Food, food which is industrially processed and designed and marketed to be addictive. But do we really know what it's doing to our bodies?
Please join us even if you haven't read the book!
Additional information about this (and future) event(s) can be found here.
February's meeting will take place on Zoom and in-person in Geneva; RSVP or send an email to Sam to receive the meeting details. If you aren't already on the Geneva Book Club mailing list, you can send an email to Sam letting him know you'd like to be added.
Tuesday, February 06, 2024 at 06:30 PM Bern Time
Sam Carmalt
[email protected]