2020 Delegate Candidate Statements

Warm welcome to the 2020 Democrats Abroad delegate candidates! We are looking forward to hearing from you about your candidacy, why you are running and who you are! Please use this space to tell us about yourself 150 words maximum please). If you'd like, please add a picture here too, and you can also add a link to a video, and any relevant affirmative action information (optional). Note that your information will be publicly viewable from this page, so only send in content you are comfortable sharing widely.

Our moderators will review your story, confirm that you are a candidate, and publish! Note that we can't edit stories after they are published, and will not publish information if it violates our code of conduct, including obscenities, harassment and promotion of your non-Democrats Abroad work or business. This space is reserved for our delegate candidates. Any story submitted by someone who is not a candidate will not be published.   

Delegates, click the textbox to add your candidate statement

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I've spent much of my adult life as an activist, writer, and educator working in all areas for substantive change in our world, whether it's the environment, queer rights, anti-racism, foreign policy, or healthcare. I support a candidate that strongly contrasts with the status quo, something I've seen in both parties for my entire adult life. I'm ready for a change, and that change can only come if the democratic party takes its rightful place on the left. I want to see more candidates that challenge the status quo, just like The Squad, and like Bernie Sanders. I want to support a candidate that inspires a movement and who fights for Main Street rather than Wall Street. I want to see Us not Me in the White House this fall.


Miles Iton - Sanders Delegate Candidate

I am currently a 24 year old Democrat Abroad living in Taiwan as a Fulbright grantee. I cast my first vote on a presidential ballot for Senator Sanders in 2016, and I am happy to continue supporting the vision of America I voted for. My goal is to articulate these civic values as I support our country’s recovery and redirection. I’ve spent the past two years deeply researching Taiwan’s English education initiatives as part of my Masters program in Creative Industries Design at National Cheng Kung University. As an arts administrator/educator whose practice is versed in hip-hop, I spend a lot of time pondering my role as a reflection of the current generation of young Americans. I hope my participation can speak to the inspiring way that DJing for the dancers and drag queens by night has informed my policy research: “We the People” is an all-inclusive category.


PJ Carlisle , Delegate Candidate Pledged for Bernie Sanders, EMEA

Pledged for Bernie Sanders propelled by his powerful political velocity

I’m open to all discourses that inform more rounded opinions, mine rooted in Post Colonial philosophies

An academic appreciator of the arts and cultures

I’m unfettered by race, gender, nationalism or borders

Underrepresented voices always have my ear

And as a Redwooded Californian at heart, the Earth remains near and dear

Longevity should be our focus when building our transnational community

We must think in terms of multiplicities and avoid using the royal ‘we’

It is time for a future to believe in and at the DNC I aim to represent US, not just me


(UK based, California voter, Non-Binary, Youth, Latinx, Native American)


Rania Masri - Sanders delegate candidate

I have dedicated my life to fight for justice. In the US, while pursuing my higher education (BS-PHD), I was an anti-war organizer. I moved to Lebanon in 2005, and have been working on environmental justice, social justice, and fair political representation. (I'm also a prof.)

Bernie Sanders is the only candidate I have supported.

I stand with him in support of an anti-war, progressive, multi-racial, working class social movement. My vote for him is a vote in favor of policies grounded in healthcare for all, education for all, justice for all, and wars for none! It is a vote against US imperialism and endless wars abroad, and against racism at home.


Robert "Bob" Kerr -- Delegate Candidate for Bernie Sanders

Beginning with Peace Corps service (Lesotho), I served in 22 different countries in 9 geographic regions of the world, mostly as a U.S. public affairs diplomat advocating for American values. My projects included the fight against child labor, sex trafficking, freedom of the press, good governance, and religious toleration. Since retirement (2016), I have played a strong leadership role in DA Denmark and DA Global. I have atttended all local, regional and global events; I have organized and supported action campaigns to promote healthcare for all, continued U.S. support for the Kyoto Protocol, stopping the caging of immigrant children and reducing gun violence; I formed a book club, and I have phone banked extensively. At the Convention, I will be an articulate advocate for the Sanders agenda, especially in area of healthcare. As Bernie has guided us to do, I will also convey 100% support for the party nominee.


Ryan Manzie Macauley, Delegate Candidate for Bernie Sanders, EMEA Region

To succeed in 2020, we must provide all Americans (Dems, GOP, Independents) a platform to exchange ideas, values and priorities. To achieve this, the DNC should also reflect these realities. I firmly believe that I can contribute to this dialogue, and can represent the voices of those who are often grouped into perceived ideologies. Born in Charleston, SC - I am a graduate of Morehouse College with a BA in Economics and the University of Cape Town with a Masters of City and Regional Planning. Currently, I am a Management Consultant supporting local governments in South Africa to achieve resilience in their municipal finances. Previously, I served with the United Nations, assisting Governments in least-developed economies design Housing Policy and Housing Finance solutions.


Sam Khunaizi - Delegate Candidate for Bernie Sanders

I am currently serving as DA-UAE Secretary & served as Voting Center Manager in the 2020 GPP. As an extension to my service, and with great honor and humility, I am running for a Bernie Sanders pledged Delegate. I believe this historic 2020 Democratic National convention should serve as the foundation of restoring American values & beliefs and uniting all Americans by bringing competent leadership to the White House. I have been supporting Sen. Sanders since he first ran in 2016. Sen. Sanders is a candidate of deep integrity and ingenuity who has tremendously influenced the Democratic Party progressive agenda. Sen. Sander’s progressive message has resonated among millions of voters all over the Country. It would be my profound privilege to represent Sen. Sanders & his voters as a delegate in the Democratic National Convention. I hope to gain your support to be your Sen. Sanders’s representative & delegate.


Serita Braxton, Delegate Candidate for Bernie Sanders

I'm originally from a military town in Maryland. Although I live abroad, I'm more passionate than ever about imparting tangible improvements in the way citizens and immigrants alike are treated and taken care of in the U.S. I've seen how divisive our current leadership is and the fears that resulted in his election. People are longing for a trustworthy and transparent administration that puts their needs first. My friend can't afford to work because child care is too expensive, I understand what it's like to live in pain because I don't have health care, and I've seen the importance of building communities by investing in their access to education. This is why I support Bernie Sanders and would like to represent him as a delegate. It's time to rebuild trust and enact impactful change. With your vote I hope to be a catalyst for that during the Convention.


Sherley Louis - Delegate Candidate for Bernie Sanders


 I am Haitian. I am American. I am an international school leader, UAE. After nearly missing the Global Presidential Primary election for getting the information too late, I pledge to get involved in Democrats Abroad (DA) and become a Delegate. I’ll volunteer to ensure that Americans abroad exercise their rights to vote timely. I am committed to work alongside DA to win the election by demonstrating the principles of political activism, advocacy, community engagement, and organizing. During my 10 years as an educator in the USA, I fought for high quality public education, better salary for educators, fairness in education for students in inner city schools, language justice, public services, & health care. I am a former member of the United Teachers of Dade (UTD), AFT, NEA, & FEA where I had gained self-advocacy, collective bargaining, lobbying, and political activism skills. My political activism includes UTD Front Line Caucus, UTD/AFT Teacher leader, MDCPS/UTD Special Student Education Task Force committee member, Florida Congressional Black Caucus Delegation with Congresswoman Frederica Wilson, & Florida Education Association Delegate.


Travis Mooney - Delegate Candidate for Bernie Sanders

Dear Friends: Throughout 2020, I worked for Bernie, but also for Democrats Abroad. Our campaign understood working with DA -- no other campaign had official polling place representatives -- and our outreach helped deliver the largest turn-out ever for the Global Presidential Primary (GPP). I represent the Bernie Campaign: Since 2016, I've worked to win the GPP for Bernie. And we have done it twice. I am one of the founders of Bernie Abroad, and an official Bernie 2020 Campaign Co-Chair. I represent Democrats Abroad: I am the former Vice-Chair of Democrats Abroad United Kingdom. As a long-term resident outside the USA, I understand our problems, our needs, and how we help Democrats win. Like many, I wish that they paid more attention to those of us abroad, and worked to make sure our issues were directly addressed by the Bernie 2020 Campaign. I ask you for your vote. travis


Tripler Pell, MD, MSc Sanders Delegate Candidate

I am a family physician and medical educator who has been living and practicing in Canada for the past 12 years. The current pandemic's course has only further demonstrated the overwhelming need for a coordinated, universal health care system, which is just one (life and death) example of the many ways that structural inequities need to be addressed by democrats. I am passionate about volunteering my time to make this a priority issue for candidates and humbly ask for your vote.


Tyler Cofield - Sanders Delegate Candidate

My name is Tyler and I'm running as a Sanders delegate candidate. As a young, Black, queer, progressive from Texas, I understand how vital it is to vote this Republican administration out of office. But we can't let ourselves settle in the process. We can unite the party, while also fighting to protect the rights of every American citizen - especially those most vulnerable. I am running for election in all 3 Regional Conventions, as well as the Global Convention. If elected, I would view my role as a delegate as threefold:

1) Work tirelessly to give Senators Sanders agenda space in both the Biden Campaign and the Party platform.

2) Represent DA, increase our profile, and spread our key message to increase voter turnout.

3) Work to make sure the party is unified before November.

I look forward to representing Senator Sanders, DA, and all that Progressives stand for.


Brendan Csaposs - Delegate Candidate for Bernie Sanders (Kenya)

As a special educator, LGBT activist, and former candidate for public office in my previous home state of Louisiana, I recently moved to Kenya and am excited to support Bernie as part of Democrats Abroad our 2020 Convention! I volunteered for his 2016 campaign and have been politically engaged in Democratic politics since my youth, when I worked on Hillary Clinton's first senate campaign in my birthplace, New York. I hope I can count on your support!


John Baumlin - Asia Pacific Delegate Candidate for Bernie Sanders

🔥 Hi everyone!🔥 I believe the Asia Pacific Delegate title is truly meant to represent a unique position to the convention. Democrats Abroad in AP, and as a whole, have direct experience in the effects of climate change, mass surveillance, and authoritarianism. If you select me as your youth candidate to go to the convention, I am going to bring those experiences directly to the forefront. I'm going to get in touch with the Sunrise Movement, and exchange strategy, tools, and ideas for organizing the next Climate Strike. I'm going to work hard, as this may be an online convention, to advocate for encryption so we have more adept and secure protests. But most importantly, I plan on using every procedural power in the book to keep the DNC accountable and protect the Unity Reform Commission. If you agree with those priorities, please consider me for this position!


Ayden Pierce Maher, Sanders Delegate (Americas)

Hi everyone! I am a 30-year-old Floridian in London. I am running as a Sanders delegate to ensure the progress we made at the last convention and the vision of Senator Sanders live on in a bold, progressive democratic platform. My political activism started in 2004 when I volunteered over 500 hours for the Kerry Edwards campaign - my mom even let me miss school the week before the election so I could knock on more doors! After finishing college in 2012 I worked as a democratic legislative assistant in the FL House of Reps. before running a campaign for the first openly LGBTQA state rep. I had the privilege of voting for Bernie in 2016 with dems abroad and have always continued my involvement with the democratic party back home. I would be honoured to represent Dems abroad at the convention. (pictured: 2012 campaign photo)


Mark Sinclair (Chile), Sanders Delegate, Americas Region and Global

I'm a progressive cis-gender straight male Caucasian living in Chile, my birth country, since 2002. Educated in US public schools all my life, I support Bernie's Free Public Higher Education proposal. Since my youth, I've been involved in social movements and political organizing for a more just, inclusive and non-imperialist US- Picketting for United Farmworker Union boycotts in the 70s, organizing teach-ins and campaigns to end illegal US covert wars in Central America in the 80s and working in education/child welfare advocacy in the 90s (in Minnesota). I've been working in international student exchange for the last 18 years, principally with US study abroad students. In addition to supporting Sander's campaign pledges, I'll advocate for a sharp reduction in military spending (but support fully funding veterans programs) in order to confront health and climate crisises and a non-interventionist, multi-lateral foreign policy that promotes human rights.


Helen Li-Delegate Candidate for Bernie Sanders (Asia Pacific & Global)

As a child of immigrants, a mental health advocate, an educator, and an entrepreneur, I am accustomed to forming coalitions between groups of people. Not just through empathy, but taking that empathy and transforming it into fundraising, communications, and action. Growing up in Richmond, Virginia, I want to share the stories and importance of inclusion — Medicare-for-All, improved access to education, environmental action — as a representative for Sanders’ progressive platform. In Beijing, I’ve taught university courses focusing on educating young people about the urgency of civic engagement. Adapting to healthcare loss and increased hate crimes during COVID-19, I’ve experienced firsthand how domestic/foreign policy can impact citizens abroad and . I believe I have the skills and perspectives to represent Democrats Abroad at the National Convention. I want to represent DemsAbroad, youth voters, and Asian Americans by having a seat at the table as we support our 2020 nominee. https://medium.com/@helen.li2019/my-story-why-i-care-and-why-i-am-running-to-represent-democrats-abroad-1abe187456b2


Christopher Brandon, EMEA & Global Youth Delegate for Bernie Sanders

In order to defeat Donald Trump, we need to unite the Democratic Party. My life experiences as a worker, student, teacher, and a volunteer have provided me with the experience and skills necessary to contribute to this collective effort and elect Joseph Biden. As a former delivery services worker burdened by student debt, I understand everyday people’s struggles. I have also experienced both the benefits and difficulties of living abroad as a Masters student and an English teacher. Sending thousands of texts for the Bernie Sanders campaign has provided me with invaluable insight into the perceptions and preferences of voters from across the political spectrum. Finally, through volunteering as a poll worker at the Skåne region’s Global Presidential Primary and co-hosting chapter events, I have developed outreach and organizational skills which enable me to effectively communicate Bernie Sanders and Democrats Abroad’s values and interests to fellow Democrats and the media.


Hugh Aaron Ambeau

I am a lifelong Democrat from Louisiana, where I still vote. After 18 years living together in Louisiana, my French husband and I decided to move permanently to France last year. I come from a politically active family, as my grandfather was our parish tax assessor. Campaigning and waiting for telephone calls from the boxes around the parish are some of my fondest memories. It helps that my grandfather never lost an election and was elected for seven terms. Eventually, my uncle was an elected judge for 24 years and my aunt served as tax assessor for 10 years. As an adult, I chose to be in a profession that has a long history of being associated with progressive policies. Social work is a profession that came of age in the Progressive Era and continues to stand with the most vulnerable in its fight for access to services and self-determination. In addition, I am a proud union member (AGMA). So, siding with the progressive wing of our party, and voting for Senator Sanders, has been congruent with my core personal and professional values. As soon as I found out about Democrats Abroad – earlier this year – I knew I needed to become involved in your work. I am not doing this as a stepping-stone to other activities back home, but because I have always been a Democrat (even in Republican-heavy Louisiana, voting outside my party never occurred to me) and because I am now, for the rest of my life, going to be a Democrat Abroad.
