Keep voting, keep engaged
Whether you’re temporarily overseas or ‘going Dutch’, Democrats Abroad Netherlands brings us all together to keep connected to the political process back in the US. Become a member – it's easy.
In Dutch, there’s just one word (stem) for ‘vote’ and ‘voice’. And we couldn't agree more. Your vote is your voice — and we’re here to make sure you’re heard! Together, the voice of Americans abroad is millions strong with the power to swing elections all across the country. We vote in presidential elections, midterms for Congress, and local and special elections happening all the time. Our overseas voting website — — is the simplest, most effective way to make sure you never miss your chance to be heard.
Some images of Netherlands' events: Global Presidential Primary, March For Our Lives, Writing to Voters, Black Heritage of Amsterdam Boat Tour, Wine & Cheese Canal Cruises. We hope to see you soon!
Contact Information [email protected]
Events & activities
Throughout the year, we get together to make friends and make a difference. As a member, we’ll keep you informed of everything from 4th of July celebrations and Thanksgiving dinners to issue-oriented actions. You can find all our events here — and please follow us on Facebook and Instagram to help spread the word.
Get involved
We’re all volunteers here and there’s always a way to get involved. We need help planning and organizing activities, helping voters get their ballots, and managing our database and social media. And every 2 years, we elect leaders who will guide us through the next election cycle. Whether you like meeting new people or working behind the screen, please get in touch to help make it all happen.
Join a caucus
Our caucuses are global teams focused on specific issues within our diverse community. We invite you to follow and get involved in the activities of any or all of them. We’d love to organize local caucus groups in the Netherlands, like our Democrats Abroad NL Youth Caucus, and are always looking for volunteers ready to take the lead.
Global Asian-American & Pacific Islander Caucus
Global Black Caucus
Global Disability Caucus
Environment & Climate Crisis Council
Global Hispanic Caucus
Global LGBTQ+ Caucus
Global Progressive Caucus
Global Seniors Caucus
Global Veterans & Military Families Caucus
Global Women’s Caucus
Global Youth Caucus
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